Create Your First Bussiness Website

Section One: How to Determine What You Want to Sell
No matter what anyone tells you, the first step you need to take if you want to set up
your business’s website is to first determine the goal for what you want to use your
website for.
If you already have a brick and mortar business and you are planning on expanding its
reach to the internet, then you are off to a good start. On the other hand, if you are
starting from scratch, and a business website is going to be your sole moneymaker, then
you have a lot of work ahead of you.
Because there are more steps involved for those who are looking to make an online
business from scratch, we will start at the beginning. Your first step when creating a
business website is to brainstorm what it is exactly that you want your business to
A sales or retail website will look different than a marketing website which will look
different than an informational website, and they will all look different than a web
application. Your primary concern should be to first determine a genre for your business’s website. Everything else will fall into place once you have the basic ideas laid
out for your site.
Each type of business site has its own pros and cons. For example, a sales or retail
website will have a lot of pictures, sporadic text that is mostly used to describe each
product you are selling in a sentence or two, and a shopping cart.
These sites feature easy navigation and are very user friendly, but they are more difficult
to get recognized by search engines and normally do not take advantage of advertising.
Affiliate programs can be used, however, for extra traffic.
On the other hand, a marketing website is designed to sell one product and one product
only. You’ve probably seen a number of marketing websites attempting to sell you get
rich quick schemes, web content, and handy Photoshop plug-ins to make web design
These sites are the easiest to design and build, feature mostly text with a few images
interspersed, and contain a simple “Buy Now” button. They are designed around one
product and one product only, making them optimized for search engines and perfectly
positioned to make money through advertising and affiliate programs.
The informational business website is next. These are sites designed to inform about a
business, but not necessarily sell anything directly. Think of some of the biggest
companies in the world: Sony, Motorola, Canon, Toyota, Chevrolet, etc. While you can
buy items on some of their corporate websites, they are primarily designed to inform the
By informing the consumer about your brand or store, you can help get the word out
about your products and increase your sales dramatically. These websites, while they
can work for anyone who has a well-defined product to sell, are better for companies
and small businesses that have a nationwide presence.
In other words, it is not a good idea to make an informational website for your local
business when you will only get a few site visitors a month - if that. Do not confuse these
informational websites with Adsense Sites. The two are distinct. Finally, if you really want to make a name for yourself on the Internet, you can consider
taking a route that few dare to tread. You could create a web-based application that
functions like a traditional program, but is located on the internet. These programs can
often give you a channel to make a significant amount of money, provided that people
find the applications you create useful.
However, they do require a lot of perseverance, a very original idea, and a good team of
programmers who want the product to succeed. While a web application based business
is a fantastic way to make a lot of money, it is not recommended for those who are new
to the business arena.
Now that you know the four basic types of business websites, it is up to you to choose
the one that will most work for your goals. You do not, and should not, decide right now
which type of site is the best for you.
Take your time, do some research, and make sure that you talk everything through with
your business partners and/or your immediate family members who may be counting on
you to make the right decision. When you have a general idea of which type of business
website you want to construct, and what product(s) you want to sell, you can move on to
step two. 

Section Two: Do You Really Need Your Own Business Website?

If you want to sell items using the internet, you may not even need your own business
website. There are a number of places where you can go if you want your products to
reach the masses - but you do not want to deal with the time and money expenditures
that building a business website will entail.
These different options could save you ample time in getting your business up and
running quickly. Then, if you decide that your business has become profitable enough,
you can take your sales to your own website and retain all of the profits. The most common third party company to use when peddling your wares is eBay. By
using the online auction powerhouse, many people have found it fantastically easy to
make quite a bit of money. However, selling items on eBay does not come cheap, as the
company does charge quite a bit of money for each completed transaction. Do not
despair, as you can still find it incredibly easy to set up your business and sell your
products using an eBay store.
Setting up your eBay storefront is no more difficult than simply creating an account with
the online marketplace. Although it is not good practice, you will have to also give some
financial information to eBay when you sign up, so it is a good idea to dedicate a bank
account, a credit card, or a Paypal account to eBay. Treat your eBay store like a
business and it will be easier to keep track of all of your transactions.
You can start selling immediately with eBay. Just choose an item you want to list and
place it on eBay. Aside from the tools that eBay gives you just for being a member, there
are a number of fancy listing tools available for low prices for all operating systems.
Some of them are even free. No matter the cost, if you want your eBay store to look
professional, you will want to invest in one of these third party selling tools.
While eBay is easy to use and a very effective way of getting your products to a
marketplace of millions from around the world, there are a few drawbacks. eBay takes its
cut on every sale you make. You will have to pay listing fees and selling fees as well as
Paypal fees on purchases people make through the financial service. This can add up
over time, so while eBay is a great place to get your business started, it is not
recommended that you stick with eBay as your sole source of income for longer than a
year or two.
If eBay does not sound like it would be the proper marketplace for your products, you
may want to consider teaming up with retail giant There are two ways to
use Amazon to your advantage - selling your used items in an eBay style manner or
creating your own WebStore on Amazon. You should decide which method to use based
on your predicted sales volume as well as how much of a reputation you want to
establish for yourself. Selling one product at a time on Amazon can make you some money, but it is not exactly
an online business website. If you want to go full bore and make as much profit as you
can, then the Amazon WebStore is what you should focus your attention towards. The
Amazon WebStore affiliation will allow you to sell your products right alongside of
Amazon’s products, allowing you to sell your goods to over sixty million potential
Just like setting up a store with eBay, an Amazon WebStore is a cakewalk compared to
designing your own business website. But there are monetary drawbacks involved as
well--drawbacks that may deter you from engaging in a financial partnership with the
retail giant.
While you can build your own Amazon WebStore using Amazon’s easy to use storefront
designer, it will cost you sixty dollars per month in hosting fees plus seven percent of
each sale goes into Amazon’s pocket.
All in all, if you think you can move enough merchandise on Amazon’s site, this is really
the business alternative that you should consider. It offers roughly the same exposure as
eBay and slaps you with far less fees so that you can make more profit.
Finally, if you are considering marketing or publishing as an online business, you may
want to take a look at what has to offer. As the leader in online self publishing
and all things print, Lulu is the place to go if you are attempting to make your fortune with
art or the written word.
From calendars to books to music, if it is artsy, it’s on Lulu. All you have to do is come up
with a creative idea, get Lulu to produce it, and then you get some profits based on what
sells on their site. You can even take your published works to an Amazon or eBay store
for even more exposure.
While the market at Lulu is limited, it is the best place to get discovered if you are willing
to put in the time and effort to write a book, create some art, or even record a song.
Even if you are not into making one of these activities into a full on business, Lulu
provides you with a great way to make some money on your hobbies.Like photography? Make a calendar. Have an opinion on the presidential candidates?
Write a short book and have Lulu publish it. Play in a garage band? Record your songs
and Lulu will sell your CD for you.
Although there are plenty of other programs that you can enroll in if you are looking to
establish an online business without making your website right away, the above listed
companies offer three of the largest resources for you to start selling right away. Their
fees are affordable, their web traffic is huge.
They can offer you everything you want about an online store except for your own
domain name and full control over your profits. If you want to be completely in charge of
your business, you need to create your own business website. 

Section Three: Designing Your Business Website

At this point, you should have an idea of what you want your website to be and what you
will be selling on your website. Most of you will have chosen to make a sales, retail, or
marketing website, so the rest of this article will be dedicated to those who decided to go
in that direction.
The rest of you, consider investing in a high quality web designer and an even higher
quality web developer - you will need all of the help you can get in making your own web
application or informational business website.
Designing a website is actually a very simple process, even if you have never done such
a project in the past. You really have two choices at this point, as far as the website
design is concerned. Build the site yourself or hire someone else to do the heavy lifting
for you.
Obviously, building the site from scratch by yourself is going to be the more cost effective
solution, but if you have no prior experience or you need your website up as soon as possible, hiring a professional may be your better option. No matter which route you
take, there are a few tips that you need to consider if you want to make sure that your
website looks exactly as you want it to.
Whether you are building your business website yourself or if you have hired someone
to do it, you need to make a rough template for how you want your site to look. If design
is not your thing, there are plenty of resources out there that can help you get started.
Take a look at websites like CSS Beauty, Design Snack, and Smashing Magazine for all
of the inspiration that you could ever possibly need. These sites highlight some of the
best in web design and are perfect for anyone who is having a difficult time coming up
with some ideas.
When you have settled on a basic web design for your business website, you need to
come up with a color scheme that would work well with what you’re trying to accomplish.
A sales website, for example, will make use of a lot of whitespace and only a basic
palette of three or four colors so as not to be too hard on the viewer’s eyes.
On the other hand, a marketing website will use big blocks of text with highlighted words
here and there, often making use of brilliant colors like reds, blues, and yellows to attract
the reader’s eye to important points. If you are having trouble coming up with colors,
check out sites like ColorBlender and colordb to help you choose the perfect palette for
your site.
Once the basic template and the color scheme have been decided on, you need to make
the decision to build your site yourself or hire someone else to do it. If you hire someone,
all you have to do is pay them the appropriate amount and submit your early designs
and color choices.
The web designers will do the rest and you’ll pay them the full amount on completion of
the project. Go ahead and skip to Step Three if you are planning to take the web
designer route. Those of you, who want to go it alone, keep reading. 

Section Four – Part II: Designing Your Own Website

Although designing your own website is not the most difficult thing you will ever do, it is
fairly time consuming. However, when you have finished with the design, you will have a
great feeling about yourself - that you actually created something yourself, something
that you can be proud of, something that will hopefully make you a lot of money in the
long term.
Since you already have your template sketched out and your color palette chosen, the
only prep work that you need before you get started on your site’s design is to download
the necessary tools that will help you along the way.
You will need an image editor for creating the pictures for the site, a “What You See Is
What You Get” site editor to design the website, and a text editor to modify the code as
you see fit. If you’ve got the money, purchase a copy of the Adobe CS3 Web Design
package which contains Photoshop, Dreamweaver and a bunch of other useful program.
Otherwise, for image editing, consider using the GIMP or Paint.NET on Linux or
Windows, respectively, or Pixelmator on Mac OS X. Use KompoZer as a free WYSIWYG
editor on Linux or Windows. Finally, consider using a text editor like Notepad ++ for
Windows or TextMate for Mac OS X. Also, download an FTP client like FileZilla so that
you can easily upload your site to a server when everything is completed.
Even though the tools will help you quite a bit on your quest to code your own business
website, they will not be able to do all of the work for you. You still have to put in quite a
bit of input, and it helps if you have some kind of reference material to guide you.
So, your best bet is to look up as much information online as you possibly can. Read
tutorials and guides that can help you learn XHTML for coding the site’s framework, CSS
for giving the site some style, PHP for some of the site’s functions, and JavaScript for the
site’s inner workings and other various functions.It may take a week, it may take a month, but when your website is finally finished, you
should use your FTP client to upload it to a server and make sure that it works perfectly
Also, at this time, it is of the utmost importance that you check your website in a variety
of web browsers, including Firefox, Internet Explorer (6 and 7), and Safari. All web
browsers display pages differently, so you want to be sure that your site looks just as
good in IE as it does in Firefox and Safari.

Section Five: How to Take Advantage of Advertising to Find Traffic and Make Extra Money

Advertising is a great way to make money online. It does have its drawbacks, however.
The main problem with advertising, especially if your internet business is merchandise
related, is that you end up cheapening your store, making it look untrustworthy and
making you look as though you are more interested in making money than selling high
quality goods that your customers would want to purchase.
For this reason and this reason alone, it is a good idea to not use ads on retail, sales, or
marketing website where you are trying to gain a potential customer’s trust so that they
will stay with you long enough to make a purchase. After all, if you have a successful
store, you will be able to make more than enough money and advertisements on your
site will not be of any real value to you.
However, there is one way that you can take advantage of advertising and turn
advertisements to your advantage. Instead of placing ads on your site, you should
instead contact advertising sites, blogs, and other informational websites in your chosen
niche. By contacting advertising sites like Google Adwords, for example, you can arrange to
have your advertisements displayed on websites around the globe. It can add up to be
costly, but it is a very effective way of getting your name out. And any one click could be
a sale.
Alternatively, if you contact blogs or other informational websites, you can see if they
offer advertising space. Buying advertising space on a site in your chosen niche can
bring in a lot of traffic, but it can also be costly depending on who you do business with.
For example, an ad on a big name blog may cost thousands of dollars a month while an
ad on a smaller, less developed site may only be a few dollars a week.
The best way to take advantage of advertising on other sites to increase your traffic is to
set aside a particular budget each month for how much you want to spend for
advertising. Keep this budget at a set amount for several months and see how far you
can make your money go. If you are not seeing any results with your advertisements,
then move on to another advertiser or up the amount you are spending.
The important things to look for are high click through and conversion rates. Are people
clicking on your ads? Are those ads converting to sales? Just because thousands of
people see your ads does not mean that you are making any money. Find your weakest
advertisers and move on to something that will give you more bang for your buck.
If you find that you are uncomfortable in dealing with blog and website owners, you
should consider finding advertising space with the big corporations. Google, MSN,
Yahoo!, and a variety of other big name companies all offer advertising in some way or
another. You pay their fees in either a pay per click or a pay per impression manner and
your ads are hosted on websites across the globe. Advertising with one of these big
companies is sure to net you a good amount of traffic, but the conversion rate may be
somewhat low at first. Try upping your budget if you’re not noticing any big sales from
AdWords, et al, visitors and try as hard as you can to get the best keywords for your
niche. Don’t cheap out and you won’t lose out on customers.
But what if you want to design a business website without actually selling anything?
There are millions of people doing just that: selling advertising space instead of any real
product. Just look at sites like LifeHacker, TechCrunch, and ICanHasCheezburger. These are sites that are making a fortune on advertising revenue alone. They’re not
selling any products, just web space that is viewed by thousands of people every day.
All it takes is a great idea, the desire to work hard to build your advertising site from
scratch, and quite a bit of persistence. This is not an overnight type of deal, you really
have to work to make a lot of money through advertising, so be sure that you know
exactly what you are getting into before you begin the process of making your own ad
funded website.
When you are sure that this is the direction that you want your business to go, you need
to decide what kind of ad based website you want to make. Blogs, while the most
popular, are not the only way to make money through advertising. You could run a news
website or some kind of site that provides a service to your users. Those are just two of
the hundreds of different options available for someone who is looking to make it rich
through advertising.
Making it big through advertisements is not based on just a good idea, though; you have
to execute it properly as well. You need a good, easy to read web design. You need to
make sure that your ads blend seamlessly with the overall design of your website.
You need to have good server space that will not go down on you during even the
slightest load. You need to be dedicated to your project. Eat while working on it, drink
while working on it, and dream about it when you sleep. Only then can you hope to play
with the big boys and really get your name out there in the advertising world.
To make your site profitable, you will have to bring in tens of thousands of people each
day. A daunting task, but if you dedicate yourself to your goal and you work towards it
every day, it will eventually happen for you.

Section Six: How to Optimize Your Site for Search Engine Traffic

Search engine optimization is a booming field, and it is easy to see why. As an online
business, the bulk of your customers will come from search engines. Therefore, you
want your business website to be optimized for search engine traffic.
While most people would suggest that you hire a professional for a task that seems to be
rather difficult at first glance, in actuality there is nothing to search engine optimization,
or SEO, that you cannot do yourself. It is much easier than designing your own website.
Far easier than finding resources to send traffic your way. And certainly easier than
getting each and every person who visits your site to buy one of your products.
The easiest way to achieve search engine optimization is to make sure that you have
some kind of informational keywords on every page of your site. From your home page
to a product buried deep within your site that very few people outside of search engine
spiders will ever view - everything needs to advertise your site to search engines.
Sounds like a daunting task? Well, it is time consuming, but with a little practice, you will
be well on your way to achieving a search engine optimized site.
Nobody, except for the original designers, really knows how each and every search
engine works, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. There are a few key aspects of
search engine optimization, however, those are well documented and can help you get a
higher rank in each and every search provider, from Google to Ask to Yahoo! The first
step you need to take is to eliminate any duplicate content that you may have on your
This means that if you have two products that are exactly the same but differs in color or
some other minute characteristic, and then put them on the same page. If you want a
search engine optimized site, make sure that there is no duplicate content out there on
your site. Having such content appear multiple times on a search engine is a great way
to get your page rank lowered and lose quite a bit of natural search engine traffic.
The other search engine optimization technique that will yield you a much higher page
rank is to make sure that everything on your site is maximized for your keyword
selection. You should take full advantage of using Meta tags in your HTML such as the
keyword tag and the description tag on every one of your pages. You can add in a huge 
amount of keywords, so make sure that you get every last one that corresponds to your
business website.
Also, take advantage of the description and other tags associated with the images on
your website; they are valuable places to introduce your keywords. And simply because
you are focusing on the underlying aspects of your website that are only seen by search
engines, don’t forget to place keywords inside of as much viewable text as you can.
Doing so will really boost your search engine placement.
Finally, to rank higher in search engines, you need a variety of backlinks to your website.
These are other sites that are linking to your website. Google and other search engines
use this information to help determine the significance of a particular website, so go out
there and see if you can entice some people to add a link to your site somewhere on
their own. Keeping with this suggestion for search engine optimization, keep reading
onto step five. 

Section Seven: Finding Traffic in Unlikely Places

So you’ve now learned how to dig up traffic by advertising and through search engine
optimization - but there are still two other ways which you can use to bring more people
to your website. While they are a bit more unorthodox, they do work and can help you
gain popularity in your chosen niche.
No matter what product you are selling, what program you are marketing, or how you are
planning on making your money in the long term, these two methods can easily be used
to drum up the traffic and the conversion rates that your website needs to survive.
The first way to find traffic in unlikely places is to contact webmasters of other sites and
see if they are interested in sharing links with you. This will help you gain credibility with
the search engines and acts as a “free” advertisement. Now, before you go off and ask really well known websites if they will trade links with you, you need to learn a few rules
which are mostly common courtesy.
Firstly, do not even bother asking a site that is far more popular than yours to trade links
with you. They won’t do it, so don’t even ask. If you are unsure of whether or not a site is
more popular than yours, simply check the Alexa data for all websites or the Technorati
data if you are exchanging links with a blog.
Secondly, mind your manners when you are asking to trade links with another
webmaster. Think of this as a business deal and act accordingly. Do not use slang in
your email to him or her, and use proper etiquette.
Also, explain what you are selling, why you want to exchange links with the webmaster
you are corresponding with, and how you think it could benefit both of your sites. A clear
and concise letter is often what can help seal the deal in a partnership such as this.
Another great, and mostly unused, way to drive traffic to your site is to offer an affiliate
program. Affiliate programs are perfect for those of you with sales, retail, or marketing
websites. You should fully take advantage of creating an affiliate program if your
business website warrants it.
For those of you who are unaware, an affiliate program is simply a program that you run
as a webmaster which allows other websites to link back to products on your website. If
a person purchases a product from your website by using an affiliate’s link, the affiliate
gets a small percentage of the purchase.
This type of program makes you happy because you got the money from the sale. It
makes your affiliate happy because he or she got money for doing practically nothing
aside from placing a link on his site. And it makes the customers happy because they
ended up with the item they wanted.
While these are just two different ways to drive traffic to your business website, there are
many more techniques which you should consider using. A quick search on your favorite
search engine can turn up countless resources for information for those of you looking to
establish your own online business.  Furthermore, it may be in your interest to check out some books relating to online
businesses, search engine optimization, and some of the other topics discussed in this
article. Good luck with your business.