Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Creating accessible tables

Many web designers ignore all but the most basic elements when working with tables, and
in doing so they end up with output that causes problems for screen readers. By correctly
and carefully structuring and formatting a table, not only will users of screen readers benefit,
but you as a designer will also have far more control over its visual appearance.
Additionally, extendable browsers like Firefox can also enable you to use the table data
in other ways, including outside of the browser. For example, the TableTools plug-in
( enables sorting, filtering,
and exporting of tabular data from a web page. A properly formatted table will enhance
this, making the table even more useful. Adding a few extra elements and attributes to
your table is a win-win situation, and it’s surprising to note how few designers bother with
anything other than rows and cells in their tables

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