Testing in browsers isn’t everything; in fact, you may find that your site fails to work for no
reason whatsoever, tear your hair out, and then find the problem lurking in your code
somewhere. With that in mind, you should either work with software that has built-in and
current validation tools (many have outdated tools, based on old versions of online equivalents),
or bookmark and regularly use the W3C’s suite of online tools: the Markup
Validation Service (http://validator.w3.org/), CSS Validation Service (http://jigsaw.
w3.org/css-validator/), Feed Validation Service (http://validator.w3.org/feed/),
Link Checker (http://validator.w3.org/checklink), and others (www.w3.org/QA/Tools/)
as relevant.
reason whatsoever, tear your hair out, and then find the problem lurking in your code
somewhere. With that in mind, you should either work with software that has built-in and
current validation tools (many have outdated tools, based on old versions of online equivalents),
or bookmark and regularly use the W3C’s suite of online tools: the Markup
Validation Service (http://validator.w3.org/), CSS Validation Service (http://jigsaw.
w3.org/css-validator/), Feed Validation Service (http://validator.w3.org/feed/),
Link Checker (http://validator.w3.org/checklink), and others (www.w3.org/QA/Tools/)
as relevant.
Other useful online services include WDG Link Valet (www.htmlhelp.com/tools/valet/),
WDG HTML Validator (www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/), and Total Validator (www.
totalvalidator.com/). Accessibility-oriented services include HP’s Color Contrast Verification
Tool (www.hp.com/hpinfo/abouthp/accessibility/webaccessibility/color_tool.html);
Etre’s Colour Blindness Simulator (www.etre.com/tools/colourblindsimulator/); and
the Cynthia Says Portal Tester (www.cynthiasays.com/fulloptions.asp), which can
aid you in Section 508 and WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative—see www.w3.org/WAI/)
Here are some of the more common errors you might make that are often overlooked:
WDG HTML Validator (www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/), and Total Validator (www.
totalvalidator.com/). Accessibility-oriented services include HP’s Color Contrast Verification
Tool (www.hp.com/hpinfo/abouthp/accessibility/webaccessibility/color_tool.html);
Etre’s Colour Blindness Simulator (www.etre.com/tools/colourblindsimulator/); and
the Cynthia Says Portal Tester (www.cynthiasays.com/fulloptions.asp), which can
aid you in Section 508 and WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative—see www.w3.org/WAI/)
Here are some of the more common errors you might make that are often overlooked:
Spelling errors: Spell a start tag wrong and an element likely won’t appear; spell an
end tag wrong and it may not be closed properly, wrecking the remaining layout. In
CSS, misspelled property or value names can cause rules—and therefore entire layouts—
to fail entirely. British English users should also remember to check for and
weed out British spellings—setting colour won’t work in CSS, and yet we see that
extra u in plenty of web pages (which presumably have their authors scratching
their heads, wondering why the colors aren’t being applied properly).
Incorrect use of symbols in CSS: If a CSS rule isn’t working as expected, ensure
you’ve not erred when it comes to the symbols used in the CSS selector. It’s a
simple enough mistake to use # when you really mean . and vice versa.
Lack of consistency: When working in XHTML, all elements and attributes must be
lowercase. In CSS, tag selectors should also be lowercase. However, user-defined id
and class values can be in whatever case the author chooses. Ultimately, decide
on a convention and stick to it—always. If you set a class value to myvalue in CSS
and myValue in HTML, chances are things won’t work. For the record, I prefer
lowerCamelCase, but there’s no reason for choosing a particular case.
lowercase. In CSS, tag selectors should also be lowercase. However, user-defined id
and class values can be in whatever case the author chooses. Ultimately, decide
on a convention and stick to it—always. If you set a class value to myvalue in CSS
and myValue in HTML, chances are things won’t work. For the record, I prefer
lowerCamelCase, but there’s no reason for choosing a particular case.
Not closing elements, attributes, and rules: An unclosed element in HTML may
cause the remainder of the web page (or part of it) to not display correctly.
Similarly, not closing an HTML attribute makes all of the page’s content until the
next double quote part of the attribute. Not closing a CSS rule may cause part or
all of the style sheet to not work. Note that CSS pairs that aren’t terminated with a
semicolon may cause subsequent rules to partially or wholly fail. A good tip to
avoid accidentally not closing elements or rules is to add the end tag/closing
bracket immediately after adding the start tag/opening bracket. This also helps to
avoid incorrect nesting of elements.
Multiple rule sets: In CSS, ensure that if you use a selector more than once, any
overrides are intentional. It’s a common error for a designer to duplicate a rule set
and have different CSS property values conflicting in different areas of the CSS.
Errors with the head and body elements: As stated earlier in the book, HTML content
should not appear outside of the html element, and body content should not
appear outside of the body element. Common errors with these elements include
placing content between the closing head element tag (</head>) and the body start
tag (<body>), and including multiple html and body elements.
Inaccessible content: Here, we’re talking in a more general sense, rather than about
accessibility for screen reader users. If you create a site with scrollable areas,
ensure users can access the content within, even if browser settings aren’t at their
defaults. Problems mostly occur when overflow is set to hidden. Similarly,
textarea elements that don’t have properly marked-up cols and rows settings
will often be tiny when viewed without CSS (these attributes are functional as well
as presentational). The same is true for text input fields without a defined size
Dead links: These can take on many forms, such as a link to another page being
dead, an image not showing up, or external documents not being accessible by the
web page. If a JavaScript function isn’t working for some reason, try checking to see
whether you’ve actually linked it—in some cases, the simpler and most obvious
errors are the ones that slip through the net. Also, if things aren’t working on a live
site, check the paths—you may have accidentally created a direct link to a file on
your local machine, which obviously won’t be accessible to the entire Internet.
Spaces within href values or the original file names can also be accidentally overlooked.
Whitespace errors: In CSS, do not place whitespace between class/id indicators and
the selector name, or between numerals and units for measurements. However, do
not omit whitespace from between contextual selectors, otherwise you’ll “combine”
them into a new, probably unknown, one.
Using multiple units: In CSS, a value can only accept a single unit—the likes of
50%px can cause a rule to partially or wholly fail.
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