Monday, September 13, 2010

Introducing CSS

CSS is the W3C standard for defining the visual presentation for web pages. HTML was
designed as a structural markup language, but the demands of users and designers
encouraged browser manufacturers to support and develop presentation-oriented tags.
These tags “polluted” HTML, pushing the language toward one of decorative style rather
than logical structure. Its increasing complexity made life hard for web designers, and
source code began to balloon for even basic presentation-oriented tasks. Along with
creating needlessly large HTML files, things like font tags created web pages that weren’t
consistent across browsers and platforms, and styles had to be applied to individual
elements—a time-consuming process.
The concept behind CSS was simple, yet revolutionary: remove the presentation and separate
design from content. Let HTML (and later XHTML) deal with structure, and use a
separate CSS document for the application of visual presentation.
The idea caught on, albeit slowly. The initial problem was browser support. At first, most
browsers supported only a small amount of the CSS standard—and badly at that. But
Internet Explorer 5 for Mac made great strides with regard to CSS support, and it was soon
joined by other browsers fighting for the crown of standards king. These days, every up-todate
browser supports the majority of commonly used CSS properties and values, and
more besides.
Another problem has been educating designers and encouraging them to switch from old
to new methods. Benefits constantly need to be outlined and proven, and the new
methods taught. Most designers these days style text with CSS, but many still don’t use CSS
for entire web page layouts, despite the inherent advantages in doing so. This, of course, is
one of the reasons for this book: to show you, the designer, how CSS can be beneficial to
you—saving you (and your clients) time and money—and to provide examples for various
areas of web page design and development that you can use in your sites.
In this section we’ll look at separating content from design, CSS rules, CSS selectors and
how to use them, and how to add styles to a web page.

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