Monday, September 13, 2010

Web page backgrounds in CSS

Backgrounds are added to web page elements using a number of properties, as described
in the sections that follow.
This property sets the background color of the element. In the following example, the
page’s body background color has been set to #ffffff (which is hex for white):
body {
background-color: #ffffff;
This property sets a background image for the relevant element:
body {
background-image: url(background_image.jpg);
By using this CSS, you end up with a tiled background, as shown in the following image.


The properties explored so far mimic the range offered by deprecated HTML attributes,
but CSS provides you with control over the background’s tiling and positioning. The
background-repeat property can take four values, the default of which is repeat, creating
the tiled background just shown.If background-repeat is set to no-repeat, the image is shown just once, as in the following illust


If this property is set to repeat-x, the image tiles horizontally only.ration.


And if the property is set to repeat-y, the image tiles vertically only.

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