Saturday, October 23, 2010

Css Tutorial :Body Declarations

The first task with any new web site is to consider what blanket rules can be declared in the
body selector. Remember that every element contained in the body element will inherit its
values unless you specify otherwise. For example, to avoid having to declare the font-family
and font-size for every element, some blanket rules can be applied from the outset.
The first selector to define in text.css is for body. Notice that margin, border, and padding
properties have been declared, but more importantly so have the font-family and font-size properties using shorthand. These are specified for the whole web page, and any others that
take their style from text.css:
/* Specify blanket rules for all elements */
body {
margin: 10px;
border: 1px solid #000;
font: 12px Verdana, Arial, Sans-serif;
}With the font-size reduced to 12px, the display looks a little more professional, and
Verdana makes the text a little easier on the eye. Notice that the declared font-size has no
effect on the headings (<h1> and <h2>), which retain their default font sizes, as discussed earlier.

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