Saturday, October 2, 2010

Standard attributes in Xhtml

 Standard attributes
              Standard attributes are common to many elements. For brevity, they are listed in full here
              rather than in the XHTML element table later in the chapter. For each element in the forth-
              coming table, I simply state which groups of standard attributes are applicable to the element.

           Core attributes
               Attribute                  Description

                                          Specifies a CSS class to define the element's visual appearance.

                                          Defines a unique reference ID for the element.

                                          Sets an inline style. Deprecated in XHTML 1.1, so it should be
                                          used sparingly and with caution.

                                          Specifies the element's title. Often used with links to provide a
                                          tooltip expanding on the link's purpose or the target's content.

                Not valid in these elements: base, head, html, meta, param, script, style, and title.

           Keyboard attributes
               Attribute                  Description

                                          Defines a keyboard shortcut to access an element. The short-
                                          cut must be a single character. Most commonly used with
                                          navigation links.
                                          See also Chapter 5, "Using accesskey and tabindex."

                                          Defines the tab order of an element. Most commonly used
                                          with form input elements. Setting the value to 0 excludes
                                          the element from the tabbing order. The maximum value
                                          allowed is 32767. The tabindex values on a page needn't be
                                          consecutive (for instance, you could use multiples of 10, to
                                          leave space for later additions).
                                          See also Chapter 5, "Using accesskey and tabindex."
Language attributes
   Attribute                 Description

                             Specifies the text rendering direction: left-to-right (ltr, the
                             default) or right-to-left (rtl).

                             Specifies the language for the tag's contents, using two-letter
                             primary ISO639 codes and optional dialect codes. Included
                             for backward compatibility with HTML. Used together with
                             xml:lang (see below) in XHTML 1.0, but deprecated in
                             XHTML 1.1.
                             lang="en" (English)
                             lang="en-US" (US English)
                             ISO639 codes include the following: ar (Arabic), zh
                             (Chinese), nl (Dutch), fr (French), de (German), el (Greek),
                             he (Hebrew), it (Italian), ja (Japanese), pt (Portuguese), ru
                             (Russian), sa (Sanskrit), es (Spanish), and ur (Urdu).

                             Replaces lang in XHTML 1.1, but both should be used
                             together in XHTML 1.0 to ensure backward compatibility with
                             HTML and older browsers. xml:lang takes precedence over
                             lang if set to a different value.

    Not valid in these elements: base, br, frame, frameset, hr, iframe, param, and script.

Event attributes 
  As of HTML 4.0, it's been possible to trigger browser actions by way of HTML events. Again,
  these are listed in full here and referred to for the relevant elements of the XHTML ele-
  ment table. In XHTML, all event names must be in lowercase (e.g., onclick, not onClick).

Core events
   Attribute                 Description

                             Specifies a script to be run when the user clicks the ele-
                             ment's content area

                             Specifies a script to be run when the user double-clicks the
                             element's content area
  Attribute                Description

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the user presses a key while
                                        the element's content area is focused

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the user presses and
                                        releases a key while the element's content area is focused

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the user releases a pressed
                                        key while the element's content area is focused

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the user presses down
                                        the mouse button while the cursor is over the element's
                                        content area

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the user moves the mouse
                                        cursor in the element's content area

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the user moves the mouse
                                        cursor off the element's content area

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the user moves the mouse
                                        cursor onto the element's content area

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the user releases the mouse
                                        button on the element's content area

                Not valid in these elements: base, bdo, br, frame, frameset, head, html, iframe, meta,
                param, script, style, and title.

           Form element events
              These events are generally restricted to form elements, although some other elements
              accept some of them.

               Attribute                Description

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the element loses focus

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the element changes

                                        Specifies a script to be run when the element is focused
 Attribute                  Description

                              Specifies a script to be run when a form is reset

                              Specifies a script to be run when the element is selected

                              Specifies a script to be run when a form is submitted

Window events
  These events are valid only in the following elements: body and frameset.

   Attribute                  Description

                              Specifies a script to be run when the document loads

                              Specifies a script to be run when the document unloads

    Although onresize is part of DOM2, it's not recognized by the XHTML specification. If an
    onresize event is required, it cannot be applied directly to the body element. Instead,
    you must declare it in the document head using window.onresize=functionName.

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