Friday, October 1, 2010

Problems with CSS hover menus (drop-downs)

Problem: The browser supports :hover only on links, rather than on any element, thereby
making drop-downs like that in Chapter 5’s “Creating a drop-down menu” exercise fail.

Solution: Use some kind of JavaScript fallback system. There are various options for this,
but the simplest is the solution offered by Peter Nederlof at
csshover.html. All you need to do is download either or,
place it somewhere within your site’s hierarchy, and then link to it through a rule in a style
sheet linked via a conditional comment.
body {
behavior: url(;
Another solution is to use HTML Dog’s Suckerfish Dropdowns (
articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/), which works nicely all the way back to Internet
Explorer 5, and uses perfectly valid CSS.

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